Somewhere in this blog post, there is a bit of unseeable text. It's unseeable because it's about gaming. And no one comes here to read about games.
You come here for this:
In case you're wondering, that's a board for people to say "good luck" to each other. And I batmanized it. In plain sight.
Also, look at this design flaw:
A light bulb in a bowl. All it took was a little hole in the bowl and a whole lotta insects... died. I'm sorry, I'm not good at rhyming things.
If you can't make out what that is, just imagine a mass graveyard, but for insects.
I was driving along the other day and all of a sudden. JAGUAR! RAWR!
No, really. A nice looking Jaguar popped out of nowhere. I tailed it and provided commentary like David Attenborough. No one else was in my car.
"The jaguar appears to have left its natural habitat of Kuala Lumpur, to flaunt its good looks in Johor Bahru, where all other cars are either Hondas, Toyotas or Malaysian. The jaguar's only competition out here in the highways of Johor Bahru is the rare Singaporean dickhead in his fancy Evo 24 or Subaru Imprezza with one red reflector and one white one(I really hate when cars aren't symmetric) The jaguar driver must be a dickhead as well."
Honestly, I want to know who names Japanese cars. What does imprezza mean? Impressed-ah?
Stupid. Really.
PS. I think I've found a substitute for the Batmobile. Some of you already seen this car before, but not me. I just found out. And tis awesome. Look at it.
It's called the Bowler Nemesis. It's not a Range Rover. It's built using some Range Rover parts, but most of it is custom made by 2 blacksmiths in England. Go watch videos of it. You will want to be batman after that. Or a rally racer.
Rizab. I'm pretty sure that wasn't even Malay until 10 years ago. It just sounds like an old Malay man saying "reserved".
Now, I'm not a bigot.
But I am a racist.
Which is odd, because classically, all racists are bigots. But not all bigots are racist. I'm the opposite.
Being a bigot means stereotyping a race without being reasonable. Being a racist means knowing that there are many races and that evolutionarily speaking, they're all good at what they're meant to be good at, especially physically.
For example,
You won't see that many black people winning swimming competitions at the olympics, and you won't see that many white people winning 100 meter sprints either.
So being a racist in my universe means KNOWING that Michael Phelps will pwn Usain Bolt in the pool, and Usain Bolt will pwn Michael Phelps on the track.
Being a racial bigot means saying that all black men will always run faster than all white men and all white men will always swim faster than all black men.
See? Yes? no. Of course you don't.
That whole body of text was supposed to be the caption for this:
But as you can see, I lost my train of thought. I think it's because I actually stopped mid sentence somewhere and went to play Alan Wake till I finished it.
See, the difference between Dead Space and Alan Wake isn't just cosmetic.
The similarities are endless if you look under the skin.
1)they both involve a relatively weak protagonist against relatively strong enemies
2)they both involve unconventional weapons(mining equipment in Dead Space and a flash light in Alan Wake)
3)they both scare the hell out of most people
4)they both have stories that are more complicated than impressive(Prince of persia's Sands of time was complicated but very impressive)
5)no one I know is going to play either of these games 6)they're both borderline epic games Ok, fine it isn't endless, but they're very similar.
HOWEVER, I must say this. Dead Space is boring. It isn't repetitive, but after 1 or 2 missions, you HAVE to take a break and do something else. In fact, it was one of my first xbox games(I finished it in 2008 on my pc), but never played it through a second time. It's just not fun. Scary, impressive, innovative, but not very entertaining. Alan Wake is a different story. I actually have to force myself to NOT play it. That's how fun it is.
K, I should just go ahead and say that Alan Wake's ending was disappointing.
The story reaches so many climaxes and potential endings(mind you, some of these potential endings were GREAT), but finally settles for something really too ambiguous to be called well written.
There were instances in the game where I heard a line of dialogue that made me pause the game, and, with the sinking feeling in my gut, think "shit, that's a really epic way to end the story", then unpause it and hear Alan's inner monologue go "That didn't happen".
Shit. Really, in this sense, Dead Space was greater than the sum of its parts. Alan Wake wasn't.
At the end of Dead Space, I remember thinking, damn, that may not have been very fun at times, but it was worth rushing through.
At the end of Alan Wake, I remember thinking(bout 2 hours ago), damn, that was a lot of fun, but I wish they didn't just end it on that note.
It wasn't a low note, it just wasn't a complete note. I don't want a story to be too ambiguous. It needs to amaze me somehow. Maybe that's just me.
I know, I should have disguised that text like the rest.
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