Now I give you my
Bear in mind...

Bear in mind that this theory is purely unscientific. It's the sort of thing I bring up just for discussion's sake.
If the first action was the big bang, then every subsequent action is simply a reaction, since matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed.
All science is physics.
The most law-bound field of science is physics.
I'd like to think that, with physics in the middle, all other fields of science form a web around it.
A chain in the science web would be physics->chemistry->biology.
But it's much more complicated than that. Obviously.
Anyway, BECAUSE it's in a web, a field that's farther away from physics (for example, biology) has looser rules than physics itself (it's influenced by the sub rules of many other fields, including chemistry, geography, etc).
It's this unpredictability of rules and outcomes in social sciences that gives the illusion of choice.
The mind is influenced by so much more than genetics and environment. In fact, 'environment' in this context means the books you read, your parents and their parental policies, the parents of your friends and their parent's parental policies, the music you listen to, the God you pray to and the many reasons you pray to that god. The friends you trust and the reasons why you trust those friends. The temperature and climate of the country you live in. See? The list goes on and on.
The word 'environment' doesn't carry enough meaning if it takes into account every element that makes a human excluding genetics.
And you can accurately predict if an individual is going to end up tall, short, fat, angry, etc just by analyzing his or her genetics.
What I'm trying to get at here is that if every little factor into what makes an individual who he/she is, is bound by the rules of physics and the first action that is the big bang, then nothing is a miracle, and everything that is explainable is possible.
Not only that, but let's say you know every little factor about yourself, then you'll know which decision you'll make given a circumstance, wouldn't you?
I know I wouldn't walk up to a woman and ask her out, because given all the factors that contribute to making me, me, that's just not very probable. The decision becomes something else. Something more rule bound than simply being rule bound. It becomes predetermined.
That's as good as an explanation I can squeeze out. I was supposed to do at least 3 essays on this for my other blog, but I don't think it's worth posting there.
Actually, you probably wouldn't have guessed this, but I think a lot of religions aren't complete bull shit. They must be based on something concrete if they've survived thousands of years and spread across the globe so easily.
And this theory I just explained kinda shows how God could have been the big bang that caused everything. But that's just silly. Because we think of human beings to be a reflection of what God is. But we're evolving, becoming different. So if we were to grow a new section of the brain, that would mean we've overtaken God's idea of himself.
I'm not very good at writing. What's worse is that I've gotten worse. See? Two 'worse's in one sentence.
Super Time Lapse!
I have a confession to make. Actually. Many confessions to make.
1) Until late last year, I didn't believe anyone who told me that our current Prime Minister was the son of our second Prime Minister. Then I finally understood why they called him Najib Razak.
A shallow little jackal of a man posing as a hawk.
Conniving opportunist
Lease the blade the gun the bomb in the name of justice.
A violent panacea for what ails the nation
In advancement for the pig.
Retribution or vengeance it matters not which
As long as the pig stays on top of the ladder of bone his father has built.
2) I stopped reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series halfway through book 6. Because I thought the 5th book was as far as fiction should push. Anything past that and I would just be pretending to be interested in Mr.King's world of lamp monsters and axe wielding Nicholson.
Yup. That's bout it.
Not really. There's more. But I can't it here. Or anywhere else. Alcohol!
You know what's worse than not knowing what GT stands for?

Labeling a stock Toyota Unser 1.8 with it.

Every so often, Nestle makes a mistake at their Kit Kat production facility and we end up with this:

And look, a traffic light that's just made for accidents!

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