
How do you put SO much awesomeness into words? You just can't.

But I can try!

We met this lost looking Philippine guy who looked 20 years old(but was 33 years old. Believe me, we checked his IC)

Yeah, that guy on the left. Oh, and his name is Jose Rizal. If you meet him and he says his name is Nicky, don't believe him. His name is Jose Rizal. I have spoken.


When we found him, we were outside the hall. Sound check was gwan on inside. So we decided to sneak a peak. That's when I saw Chris Adler for the first time in person(though technically, there was a door and 20 meters between us):

Hope the video worked. Blogger is bad at vids.

We had to stand around for about 1 hour before they started to play. While waiting, the loudspeaker played some other metal songs. It was friggin hilarious when they played ACDC's 'Back in Black'. The whole crowd started singing along.

But after a while, the waiting got tiring. We had been traveling for 2 hours. We got wet in the heaviest, coldest rain ever, and were lost for a full 15 minutes. And we had to sit outside and wait in line for over an hour. When we got in, we were so pumped. The show was supposed to start at 8, but it was dragged for half an hour.

Every time I heard the crowd cheer "LAMB OF GOD! LAMB OF GOD! LAMB OF GOD!", I took a picture.



From then on, it was just pure awesome. Here are some pics of their out-of-this-world light show:

Willy came up to the front to start off Blacken The Cursed Sun. What a fun guy. He kept trying to get the crowd to chant his name, but we were so out of sync, so he just gave up after 15 seconds.

The mosh pit:

The extended intro of Grace. Too bad you can't hear it, lol.

It was just so jam-packed with goodness. Every time one song was over, we'd hear the opening notes for another. The best part was that just about everyone in the pit was a hardcore Lamb of God fan, so we all knew the songs inside and out.

For 2 years, I thought that when they finally saw me, they would know I especially loved their music. That I wasn't some kid who listened to every heavy metal band. And to be honest, I think the fact that I was just a face in the crowd makes me a lot happier. In the crowd, people you've never spoken to before are brothers. Everyone in the crowd loves their music.

I don't know which song I liked best.

In your words was a very nice way to start the show.

Ruin was amazing. Got to hear Chris Adler's Ruin-fill LIVE!

When Laid to Rest started, Gurdave an I totally freaked out.

Blacken the Cursed Sun had beats so awesome, I couldn't tell if it was my heart or the bass drums

I could go on, but I won't. Every song they played was perfect. I could not have asked for a better set list.

The set list(I know the first 2 and last 2 are arranged in order)

In Your Words
Set to Fail
Blacken the Cursed Sun
Now You've Got Something to Die For
Broken Hands
Dead Seeds
Laid to Rest
Black Label

Although Brendan, Gurdave and I got separated early on, we kept bumping into each other(literally and metaphorically) every 5 minutes.

After one of their songs, Brendan eventually wanted to go out for some fresh air.

"Fucker, if they start playing Vigil, I'm gonna run back in"

The moment he said that, we heard the opening notes to Vigil.


Ah. What a night.

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