Remember my policy on asking questions on the net? (shoot, yet another) Well, I googled it up, and turns out there isn't any handbook for cockroaching. So I decided to start things off by publishing my own roach coaching handbook for cockroaches looking to escape the Karmic circle:
On Thursday, we were talking about how climate change will eventually kill off the human race.
And this is what I had to say:
"Is it really THAT big a deal if we all die?"
LOL. I meant that it'd be awesome to be amongst the last humans who EVER lived/died. THAT'S what I meant.
But the way I said it must have came across as absolutely retarded. It is absolutely retarded. Jesus Fucking Christ. Eww. Mental image of Jesus fucking himself. Literally and metaphorically.
Trekking while talking on handsfree is a retarded idea. It does not work. Hence the title of this post(would you believe it's a line from a song? I would) . My shoes are all muddied now. At least my mood's at an absolute high.
My holidays have already started. I didn't realize this until I realized it this afternoon(obviously). I didn't want to wake up past 12pm, because that would mean wasting more than a quarter of the weekend on sleep. But then I smelled something in the air and realized it's the hols! Went back to sleep but was interrupted by a text message. THANKS WEI. Literally and metaph- no wait, that don't make sense.
There are currently NO NEW GAMES my my game bin. The last one was Metro 2033, but that was ages ago. Stuck playing GTA4 and Gears of War 2. I need new stuff. But I also need to do my assignments and study for my trials, which start immediately after my holidays. By analyzing a basic graph of 2 sets of data that I collect biannually(from the two longest strings of holidays that year, which gives an accurate representation for any other short holiday), I can determine how much I'll actually get done this time round.
FINE, I didn't really need that graph, but it's amazing how a bunch of statistics can make you look like an expert at just about anything. Right now I'm an expert at misrepresenting the importance of statistics.
Anyway, the graph predicts that I will do about 3 or 4 things of the 248243 things I've got planned. I will MOST probably:
1) keep most of the puppies alive and healthy
2) be using my phone a lot more. Nokia's aren't completely useless as it turns out
3) do my econs assignment on Sunday, as I work best under pressure
4) be going to watch Lamb of God, it IS the highlight of this week
It's such a weird paradox. In order to do MORE things, I have to plan to do less things. Time to go with the flow I guess.
Ugh. Everything ought to be structured. People keep emphasizing on thinking outside of the box. But the box is there for a reason. It keeps us safe and happy. I like the box. I think I'll stay here a while. The box is awesome. Literally and metaphorically.
Why literally?
Semi completed my Leman Russ.
The tank I made outta cardboard boxes.
It's awesome.
What wasn't awesome was the yellow paint job. I practically ruined months of engineering and design with a can of yellow paint in under 2 hours. FML.
I was trying to explain the fundamental difference between Tool and Lamb of God to my brother. But he was kinda busy with some algorithm. What it basically boils down to is this.
Tool is a band of artists, LOG is a band of musicians.
I would probably not have got a ticket if it was Tool performing in Singapore.
There is no point in watching Tool perform live, just like there's no point in watching an artist paint. It's much better to just wait till the masterpiece of music is album ready.
But LOG is a different story. Their live performances are just bursting with energy. And I can feel that energy just watching it on DVD or on youtube. Tool sounds messy live. Their arrangement on stage is weird (The singer stands against the background, the drummer faces a weird angle sometimes, the guitarist and bassist stand alone in front of the stage). They sound ok, I guess, but it's just pointless listening to them live if there's no way to express amazement because their music is so well thought out, and deserves more than just moshing and screaming. It deserves to be listened to while meditating. It deserves to be analyzed, broken down and deciphered. Because Tool's music isn't straight forward. It's not even close to touching mainstream even if they do have one or two billboard hits, 3 Grammy wins, 4 nominations, and over 9 million albums sold.
And their music evolves. Most bands start sounding more mainstream over time. Even Lamb of God's music has gotten more listenable to. Tool's gets more structured, but more complex at the same time. It's amazing. It's difficult to get into Tool. Almost as difficult as getting into Lamb of God(Tool sounds nothing like metal, while LOG sounds exactly like it).
Why am I talking about this? It's 5 am and I'm sleepy, mildy drunk and happy!
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