Is half a post better than no post at all?
What happens when the intoxication of success has evaporated?
I always get excited when I hit that orange Publish Post button. My heart skips a beat.
Then I hit View Blog and just stare at it, half expecting comments to start popping up in the cbox.
And when they do pop up in the cbox(this usually takes more than an hour of staring), I giggle on the inside and read the comment thoroughly.
Then I make a mental note of
1) whether or not to respond
2) whether to respond via my own cbox, their cbox or through sms.
3) possible responses
4) possible counter-responses
Then I'd time it perfectly. Because if I reply too soon, the cbox will become a chatbox, and the person who commented will probably think I'm some sort of freak who stares at his Cbox until new comments appear and probably not visit my blog any more. It's SCIENCE!
Comments on the cbox are like facebook notifications sometimes. When I load up my facebook page and blog, the two things my eyes race for are the notifications and the cbox.
I'm definitely a lot happier when there's comments on posts. I almost never reply to those, because
1)I don't want to damage how nice it looks, I can always go back and visit that comment and see where I went wrong or right. It's delicious and it feels like a private email. Except, classier.
2)I don't know if whoever commented is ever going to reread that post and see my reply.
Cbox comments are a lot better than facebook notifications, and post comments are a nicer than both. Posts on a person's own blog as a response to my post is the best, but that's like winning the lottery.
All these blog/facebook responses count two graphs; the social graph, and the hit/miss graph. They're interlinked.
For the Social graph,
When there's a comment, it shows what the reader thinks of what I just did. It also shows whether or not they understood the content. I'm not an entertainer, but the less entertaining my content is, the less friends I have. The consequence of being a very boring person in person. Think about it, would you have visited my facebook page as often if it were full of boring pictures of myself doing absolutely normal stuff? Hells no. The comments are a way of showing what we think of each other's thoughts I should think. If we're not our own thoughts, then we're nobody and choice is an illusion. But since we're so used to romanticizing the notion that we make our own choices and think our own thoughts, then it makes bloody friggin sense.
Like I was saying, I get excited when there's actual content to publish. Because this adds to the
HIT/MISS graph!
I can't explain what that graph does because it's deeply subconscious. And also it's top secret, so Shoo!
Anyway, a while back, I, Soobs, found a way of battling two things we could do without:
Poverty and Hunger.
With help from my sponsors, we fed 329 starving children for 2 months straight with 2049 volunteered beggars. From the 2nd month on, the severe lack of poor people who participated as foodstuff made us realize that the starving children were substitutes for poor people. They were then volunteered to be fed to each other. And so the number of starving children dropped to 0, with only 1 case of hunger-related death. (the last poor, starving child had no one else to eat =( )
This time around, I'm concerned that water conservation and the rising population of orphans need to be dealt with!
By drinking the blood of orphans, we may be able to reduce both these problems. TADA.
ps. i should have replied to all those cbox comments. Sorry!
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