why am writing this post like a telegram query
it is because it is a good substitute for lack of proper content stop
which is the most re used excuse i know stop
but hey comma
i am bored stop
let me tell you what i did today colon
played red dead redemption
watched twenty four season seven
and this comma

told you i was bored stop
i put it back together and it will probably still work stop
probably stop
okay i want to tell you about red dead redemption for a moment comma
because it is definitely the best game i have played this year stop
better than alan wake
or splinter cell
attached to this telegram is a regular dash format note
here is that note colon
I was riding along in the desert, when this hitch hiker asks me for assistance. When I approach him on horseback, he suddenly shoves me off my mount and steals it! So I quickly bring out my rifle and use a slo-mo matrix like effect to target his foot. Imagine that, he's about a hundred meters away from me, on a horse that's riding pretty fast, and I bring him down with a single shot.
The bullet hits his ankle and he loses his balance on the horse. He drops off and tries to make a break for it, limping.
I catch up to my horse, then ride it to him and bring out my lasso.
He is moving slowly, so lassoing him is not a problem even on a moving horse.
With my lasso tried around him, he falls over and his hat falls off his head.
I quickly dismount my horse and get closer to him. When I'm directly above him, I bind his hands and legs together, then carry him onto my horse.
It's time for some cowboy justice.
With the horse thief hogtied securely on the back of my horse, we (my horse included) check the map for where the train is. It is close-by. I am happy. Time to try out Jackson's trick.
If I'm going to make it to the train in time, I have to push my horse as fast as it will go. So when it gets tired, I feed it horse pills to get its stamina up.
I could see the exhaust fumes of the train from the tracks I was on. I dismounted and lifted the horse thief. Then dropped him there, on the tracks. He cursed me and made empty threats.
The tracks where I had laid him where running parallel to a road in the middle of a thick forest. I didn't think there'd be any witnesses. Even the people on the train wouldn't see it. =)
Then the train arrived. It was going at full speed. The horse thief exploded to bits when it hit. I still have no idea how Jackson came up with this.
While admiring the whole experience, I suddenly realized 2 things:
1)leaving people on train tracks never gets old in this game
2)there was a growly sound coming from behind me.
It was a grizzly bear.
And it was charging right at me.
I cannot begin to explain how scary it is.
To give you an idea of how it felt,
earlier in the game, I was caught in a valley and had to fight off a dozen cougars.
Cougars are supposed to be the fastest, most dangerous animals in the wild west.
But somehow, because I had the slo-mo power, I felt safe. Sure, I nearly died everytime one of them got to whack me, but I eventually learned their pattern of attack and was able to kill two of them with just a hunting knife. Which I'm quite proud of.
When in the valley, it was night. Pitch black, I could only locate the cougars right before they attacked, but I had my gun drawn the whole time, so I'd be able to shoot as soon as I saw.
That still ought to have been the scariest this game got.
But the grizzly bear brought it to a whole new level. The grizzly is about the size of a van. And probably weighs as much.
The worst part is, they're quite silent even when they charge.
One hit is enough to kill your character. And you can't out run them in a straight line.
So when I heard the growl behind me, I ran straight for my horse. The grizzly missed me by about an inch. Took out my most powerful shot gun since we were at close range
Part of my hands were focused on controlling the horse; getting it to circle around the bear, while the other parts were trying to shoot the damned thing.
It was madness. I shot the thing 5 times in the back and sides before it died.
Just then a random stranger runs past while being chased by a pack of wolves.
I love this game.
The fact is this:
that whole experience was unscripted. It's not a mission, it was just about you doing what you want in a gigantic open world, and having the world react to you in a way that makes you feel both significant(when you outsmart bears) and stupid(when horsethiefs outsmart you).
It is an amazing experience, just exploring the wilderness, hunting, helping out strangers. That's before even talking about the storyline, graphics and gameplay.
Red Dead Redemption is more than a game. It's a chance to be a cowboy!
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