What is with all these movies that feature aliens that can be played by human actors? l want relatable non-humanoid aliens.
'Close your eyes kids. So I won't have to be the one responsible for showing you how dark the real can be.'
There are so many things to do an a plane. All these distractions to keep our minds off how scary it is to fly. Being flung through the air at 600km/h isn't easy to deal with for most primates, even when we're sure that the best primate minds did the math. So many things could go wrong and they still insist that staying put in an emergency is the best way to stay alive. How Counter intuitive . The pilots could be drunk or asleep for all you know. Ah well, l can't wait till they add V.R. goggles to the list of distractions and later maybe try to sell turbulence as a sort of ride.
True detective is a great show but what is it with these cool white characters speaking in a low grizzly whisper. Think of how weird it would be if Jackie Chan or Samuel L. Jackson did that for a character.
l spend so much time making sure all of my stuff is still with me and so did everyone on MH17. I hope looting didn't occur. Even if it makes sense to rob the dead. lt's a bit ofan insult to not think about what some things mean to some people. I guess this applies to wills as well.
l call this one, 'Dog-man climbs a tree'.
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