Goodnight, goodnight

I've created a proper blog. Something less messy and more official. If I think you should see it, you will see it on my facebook page somewhere. Otherwise I either don't want you to know my thoughts or I accidentally messed up the privacy settings.

University life is fun, but tiring. I enjoy the freedom that comes with living away from my parents and the philosophical nature of most of the subjects I take. However, it isn't something I think I should take lightly. I tend to overstep boundaries. I'm not very good at managing freedom, so I've placed bans. No more alcohol while I'm in KL. No more unnecessary purchases(though this ban isn't very clearly defined OR enforced YET).

What was I saying?

Oh yeah. Mmm. I'll still blog on THIS blog from time to time, but the other two(links in the sidebar) will be phased out and merged by the end of the year. Just like how I transfered the Purplist episodes from its own website to the junkyard, I'll transfer the posts from the Junkyard and 2012 blog to this one. Then it'll be one big happy family.

This will be more of a personal, messy sorta blog. Where I blog about whatever I want without needing to structure the posts properly. But the Livejournal one will be a hardcore blog. I mean one that can be taken seriously.

Stay tuned for links!

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