The lack of updates should be an indication of how occupied/lazy I am.
Lemme see. I can't remember what it was I was supposed to start this blog post off with, but I may as well start with my excellent adventure to school to get the SPM certs.
It went well at first. It was once a second home to me. Well, not really, but sorta. More like a 4th or 5th home. After visiting it, I was reminded that my school isn't my home. It never is. How can you form a bond with something that will only last about 6 years and only leave a dent on you.
School isn't home. But the people, the friends at least, are mobile homes. Which is why I don't miss school at all. I miss my friends, and the good times we shared, but the school is just a replaceable backdrop.
Anyway, we(Julian, Gurvy singh and I) were walking about when we came across an old discipline/drink selling teacher(we call him satan, pronounced sah-tan, not say-ten).
This happened;
Singh : Eh, cikgu belum kena pecat lagi?
Satan : Apasal?
Singh : Tak tau, cikgu macam tu.
It was scary. We got chased around school by satan. He was pissed off. But I think it's safe to say that I probably witnessed the most epic pwnage of a discipline teacher in E.C. history.
Enough about that. I tried out Modern Warfare 2 in 3rd person yesterday, and I swear it's friggin sweet.
Just look at my kill:death ratio,
41 kills to 6 deaths!
even without comparing scores with the other players in the map, it's pretty amazin.
I'm not boasting, I really, really suck at 1st person mode. I usually break even with the kill death ratio in 1st person, but this is something else.
Oh yes, and then there's the Gunung Ledang trip, which was super. I'll summarize the trip, as to not spoil the experience with a poor thought-to-word translation, and let the photos do the talking(these photos aren't posted anywhere else, the majority can be found on facebook).
Me, being perfectly unfit, struggled with the 20 minute stair climb/uphill trek before we got to some rocks by a waterfall.
There, we found at least 3 different paths, and tried 2 of 'em. (the other involved crossing a river, which I still think is pretty crazy).
The jungle was full of silly surprises. Markers that turned out to be termite nests. Raffia string trails did not work as an effective bread crumb trail.
We settled for the 2nd campsite. Sure we didn't make it ANYWHERE near the peak, but we were all city boys, and had a lot to learn about the wild. And really, it was looking like rain and night was coming, so trekking wasn't an option.
Trust me, you don't know darkness till you've been in the wild.
At first, you think it's going to be well illuminated, like the campsites in the movies. But when the sun goes down, it really gets hardcore dark. And then you start hearing weird noises.
And trust me, we did.
Around 12-1am, Gurdave and I descended to campsite 1 to search for dry wood(it was raining for a bit, and that effed up the fire and dampened most of the wood). Everything was going ok. We went down a set of stairs. I had a machete in one hand and a flashlight in the other.
All of a sudden, there's this inhuman growl. I think it must be in my head(the entire night, I had seen ghostly apparitions that turned out to be signboards in the jungle). Gurdave stopped. I stopped.
"You heard that didn't you?"
"Yup. Could be a tiger, lets go back."
That may not seem very scary here, as text. But out there, I was pretty much semi-freaked out.
There was another growl about half an hour later, and Gurdave saw something move in the jungle.
It wasn't long before Zeke turned in.
Gurdave, Julian and I(Euch was asleep before midnight, he was driving the whole morning) sat by the bridge-dam thingy and kept watch.
After 5 minutes of sitting down, I realized I was having a dream, so I shook myself awake and looked over to the two of them.
They were both half asleep.
Suddenly both of em are completely awake.
"yes". They say together.
It was clear that the sound of falling water and the cool night air was more sleep inducing than pee inducing(there's a myth that splashing water and low temperatures make you wanna drain the dragon).
After another half an hour of going back and forth between our dying campfire and the bridge-dam, Julian went in to sleep.
I struggled to stay awake and to stay warm.
Gurdave had no problem with either. He stayed up and kept watch and was in nothing but a single layer of clothing(not counting his undies, which I hope he wore).
He even got the fire going without much hassle. All hail the useful fire starting powers of Satan.
I fell asleep on a large rock in a thick sweater, a thin facemask and shorts. Gurdave woke me up at around 6. My teeth were chattering and my legs were numb. To top it off my lungs were probably filled with water. It was scary. And it was stupid of me to fall asleep for 3 hours outside.
But that's ok, because the sun was coming up. And for the first time, I witnessed an all-natural sunrise. Which really is quite over rated. It was hard to take a proper picture of it, I was shivering from the cold.
In the morning, we (more accurately everyone but Gurdave and I) had breakfast and headed home.
It was a nice trip, considering how last minute it was and how many obstacles we had to overcome. Most of our efforts were put into making sure we got to the place, and not the trek itself. Next time, maybe.
Well, one excellent adventure over, another half a dozen to go. Tomorrow, I'm going to play Neutron Star Collision by Muse, some other pop song, give a speech, and take a flight to Penang with college friends. So that's 3 excellent adventures in just one day. This is probably as busy as a holiday can get for me.
Well hopefully.
There's still the university applications and all that. Which I'm and absolute noob at. Ok gtg Holland vs Brazil.
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