el hombre sombrero unes noches el o-zee. Hoh hoh Hoh Hoh Hoh

Hello my readers and friends.

Let me just start by saying SHIT, Germany didn't win the world cup. =(
The German team reminds me of Hitler's Germany.

Great start, took everyone by surprise(I'm guessing the Polish were shocked during the qualifying rounds). Lots of initial momentum. Slightly emotionally unstable coach(despite being the best looking coach for any team, he still kinda looks like sad, in a crazy, unhealthy sort of way.)

Just like the nazis, whenever they won, they won by a large margin.

The biggest difference I guess, is that they beat England this time. And they didn't execute any Jews!

But don't worry, there's always next time.

Anywhossels. I've uploaded a shite load of pictures from my Penang-KL trip to blogger, so expect a post by the end of this week(once I get home, I'll get right on it).

Oh yes, I forgot to mention, for the last 5 days, I was under the impression that I had to start my course at Monash by Monday. As in two days ago. Thankfully though, I cleared all that up, and will by starting in August, frog willing.

It may come as a surprise to some of you that I've settled for IT. (Well, technically it's still not set in stone, there's still a bit of red tape, and potential last minute drama)

But I think, at least for now, that it's for the best. Unless I find something better to do.

OK, I'll be taking the train home tomorrow and then I'll get down to writing about my third excellent adventure so far!

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