It may not seem plausible, but I managed to pack my keyboard, mouse, mousepad, 5cm pc cooling fan, USB audio card, a power splitter thingy, five meter-long cables(not to be confused with 5m long cables), and a thick book into this tiny back pack:

It's true. But the actual PC and Monitor couldn't fit. See, THAT you believe.
That bag has been with me for about 2 years. Before that, my sister used it for school. I've been using it for just about every occasion. School, Singapore trips, holidays. I even used it to transport my entire xbox, with the power brick, 2 controllers and a bunch of games to Julians house.
It's things like this; you know, bags that work, that serve their purpose perfectly, that confuse me the most. Because I know(and you know as well), that there are people out there, adults, children, sometimes even ourselves, who just go apeshit for buying stuff. Bags especially. It's just something I've never been able to get into. Bag shopping. I've only done it in primary school. I used 2 bags in secondary, and then just searched the store room for some old dusty one to reuse.
Anywhossels, in Subang Parade there was this scary lady.

That one.

Because she was probably a he.
Sh-He--It (lol shit) was shopping in the womens section. I'm not sure where I stand on the gay issue.
I can't be a commie and an advocate of freedom at the same time. But should think freedom is a virtue. It just has to be properly regulated. Like in Europe, where even gays are kinda hot.
In the US, it's sickening, and the ones here in Asia just go the extra step. I won't lie to you, I'm perfectly fine with gays. But the moment they ACT gay, that's when I get freaked out. What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, KL.
It was ok. Brought my PC in anticipation of day-time boredom in KL. Night time was ok, because of the world cup. I was very disappointed with the Germany-Serbia match. Did we learn nothing from England?
Modern Warfare 2 has been pretty good so far. Sometimes I wonder why I still play it. It's definitely not as fun as it SHOULD be. The maps are getting boring. The weapons are predictable. I'm not that good, so I don't get that many killstreaks past 10 in a row.
But I am improving. My Kill-Death ratio is around 25:21. Meaning I kill 25 people every 21 times I die. Gaming. It's the only time where the Karmic circle of rebirth makes sense.
urhhh. I'm really sleepy. I SHOULD save this as a draft and post it tomorrow. But I will probably wake up around 3pm, so I'll make this a 2 part post. The 2nd part may not have any photos though. You have been warned.
I'll leave you guys with this awesome phone-screenshot of my GPS route. I was stuck in traffic when I noticed what the street name sounded like:

See? 16.5 kilometers per hour. I WAS stuck in traffic so I had an extra hand to do the screenshot.
E3 2010 just closed with some really exciting new stuff. Gears of War 3, Medal of Honor (reboot of the series), X-COM (re-imagining of the series) and Homefront(video below) are the most interesting, at least to me.
There's also a warhammer 40K mmorpg that's coming out, but I wasn't too impressed. The E3 trailer for Homefront was quite interesting though. Look at how well done it is:
Communism for the win? Anybody? Nobody. OK.
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