From this moment henceforth, everytime someone asks me what my ambition is, I'm going to say that I do not know. And if they start complaining, I'm going to say that the only real wisdom is knowing you know nothing. And they're going to think I'm a dumbass. A perfect circle, you see?
I'm preparing for the long list of questions from the long list of relatives that are about to come raining down.
I really don't know what I want or need to do.
My first choice is law, because finding loopholes in arguments is the most productive thing I do in my spare time.
I wouldn't mind doing psychology, but no one wants me to do that, and really there's no real incentive to do something half the art students end up doing if it doesn't land me a job outside of the business world.
I can't do econs, because my communist ideals would get in the way of everything and there are already more qualified people around to do that.
So it's either law or something computer geekish. I really wish I had a talent for math, engineering sounds so cool. It actually feels like the most productive field, as goods are produced instead of services. I.T. guys and psychologists do a shit load and, yes things do get done, but none of those things feel as concrete as making something useful out of bits of the earth.
The econs people step in and sell those things at unreasonable prices and psychologists analyze the lot and find a common behavioral theme. A perfect circle, you see?
Earlier this week I went for an morning walk/jog with Gurdave and Bryan. 5AM. Who wakes up that early for exercise? Gurdave and Bryan apparently. After what happened, I don't think I ever want to exercise again. Ever.
That said, the world looks so much better at 5AM. Quieter too. Cept the spot near the customs. That's always busy.

And rejoice! H1N1 can be prevented by installing public sinks with large water tanks on top.

Unless of coarse, one of the evil pharmaceutical companies pour a vial of H1N1 into the tank. In any case, why would you need 8 sinks in the middle of nowhere for?
One of the pups went over to my neighbour's yard and nearly got ripped to shreds by the rottweilers. Praise be to Fjord it was unharmed. Here's a blurry photograph I took with a nokia:

They're all in the drain. But you can only see the white one. Cameras are racists too.
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