mein kampf

A demonstration of how lousy phone cameras perform at night.

Here's a nokia's 3.2 taking a picture of the moon on default.

And moments later, same phone, but with night mode engaged.

Honestly. It's bad. The moon looked so good that night (think it was Saturday), but the camera ruined it.

And here's a picture of the prettiest poster I've ever had.

Was caught between this and an Assassin's Creed 2 poster. Both looked so striking(really, this looks better in real life, the nokia camera, AGAIN, makes it uglier than it is). The Assassin's Creed poster was just as crisp and high resolution as this one, but this had a more, nicer blend of greys and silvers. The other was just too red.

Last Friday, after my trials was over, I brought out the vacuum cleaner and dismantled my computer and cleared the computer table. Which wasn't easy.

Because on my computer table there's:
1) a 19 inch screen
2)an xbox
3)the xbox's brick sized power supply
4)a dot matrix printer
5)a PC
6)a hi-fi set from the 90s
7)2 multi plug point thingies.
8)5 power cables(pc, printer, monitor, xbox, hifi)
9)dvi cable for the pc-monitor
10)3.5mm-red/white audio cable for audio splitter
11)audio splitter
12)printer cable
13)mouse with 1 meter long cable
15)xbox dvi/audio cable

and 2 80w speakers.

now imagine unplugging all of those things and finding some room to put them between the drum set, computer table and study table.

It was all good fun until I remembered that my PC had the habit of killing off the sound card everytime it was adjusted.

It goes like this:
even if I unplug and replug the audio from my soundcard, the whole system will simply not recognize the sound card anymore.

then i'll have to shut down, open the casing and fiddle with the card a bit, start up, uninstall drivers, reinstall and as always, when the sound card's driver is reinstalled, the blue screen pops up and Windows crashes. Then after restarting either everything's back to normal and the sound's working OR I'd have to repeat the cycle until it worked.

And when I opened the PC to vacuum it on friday, the same thing happened. I've been repeating the cycle for 3 days to no avail.

So, this morning when I heard college was canceled, I decided to fix the whole problem by buying something new. It's pretty cool.

It's a USB device that substitutes the soundcard. Just plug it in, and insert the 3.5mm output and voila! SOUND!

should have done that years ago. Each cycle of trying to resolve the sound card problem took about 10 minutes. It usually worked after 3 cycles. And I've hard to fix it at least 12 times this year. Imagine how many hours I could have saved. S


1 comment:

Ken Wooi said...

haha.. i dont like taking pics with my camera phone.. totally sucks =P